-Ayshwaria Lakshmi FITDAK (Federation of IT dealers' associations of Karnataka) had recently organized the webinar and all districts IT associations...
-Press Release An international research team, involving Newcastle University experts, developed visible light communication (VLC) setup capable of a data rate of 2.2 Mb/s by employing a new type of organic light- emitting diodes (OLEDs). To reach this speed, the scientists created new far-red/near-infrared, solution-processed OLEDs. And by extending the spectral range to 700–1000 nm, they successfully expanded the bandwidth and achieved the fastest-ever data speed recorded in real-time for solution-based OLEDs. Described in the journal Light: Science and Applications (a publication of Nature Research - formerly known as Nature Publishing Group),...
Swaminathan Balasubramanian Before proceeding ahead, I would like to honestly confess, this article was conceptualized before our beloved Prime Minister’s...
-Press Release Qualcomm Technologies is a public multinational corporation, it creates an intellectual property, semiconductors, software and services related to...
-Press Release Cryptocurrency's main benefit is the ability to conduct trusted transactions swiftly. Anonymous and decentralized nature of transfers are...
-CT News Desk Bengaluru: With development in technologies, cases on cyber attacks and cyber bullying are rapidly increasing. SafeHouse Technologies is a new age mobile-first cyber security enterprise. It is an Israel based company founded by Aditya Narang and Liad Herman and has been in stealth operations since 2016 and has recently decided to make its operations public. It’s aim is to secure the digital identity of Indian consumers, protecting them from cyber-attacks with its new age products to secure internet activity.Indo-Isralei start up SafeHouse technologies has launched a one...