Of course, I believe that you will have no second thought that the entry of the online stores has threatened our daily business to an extent where I see some of the stores welcoming the customers with a ‘WE SELL AT ONLINE PRICE” board.
Earlier there was a concept called ROBO (Research Online Buy Offline) which was a trend. However, today trend has been reversed. I cannot point finger on my fellow channel partners who sell at online price. To sell the products to the customers and save his investment, he has started promoting the online sales indirectly.
I am seeing many associations across the country are voicing against the e-sales. This looks like a one way traffic and the representatives we meet daily walks have a readymade answer, “We will take it up and we will come back to you with an amicable solution.” We all know that that ‘come back’ will never happen. At the same time the vendors are busy adding sub distributors and regional distributors for their supply chain.
As a former employee with a vendor, I can reveal that the vendors have a separate wing for e-business and teams are formed within. This is the time for bring about unity amongst us, across the country. How long will we keep crying? The vendors are concerned only about the month-end billing and not our livelihood, our employees or our families. The revolution should begin within us.
As an initial step, let us join hands and stop billing during the month end. If that does not work, forget the business for 10 days and let the vendors come to us. If nothing has been done, then let us take to the streets and create awareness in the respective state and central governments on the tax money that they are losing.
Let us forget our internal issues and silly politics and join hands to save our livelihood. If not now, then never.
(The author is the managing partner of Check Box, Trichy and can be reached at mails.checkbox@gmail.com. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent the views of Channel Times or any of the websites managed or operated by Trivone Digital Services)