How much goodwill does a company have in the channel and who are the leaders? The results of Channel Champions 2002 survey, gives us a fair idea of how the market is oriented. More than that, it seems to correct some perceptions.
p____p The parameters on which the survey was done were the result of intense brainstorming by the editorial team and there was an internal consensus at the outset about which parameters may be the top ones. But we could not have been more wrong about what would be the least important ones.
p____p The results show that the channel considers product quality, price/performance and product availability as the top three important criteria to judge vendors. So far so good and these more or less matched our perceptions. Product training and certification has surprisingly scored below par. Similarly, quality of distributors did not figure in the top, neither did the quality of channel managers. It appears as if it does not matter which model of distribution or which distributor is handling the product. All that matters to the channel is the availability of the products.
p____p Whoever ensures this will win the day – the vendor, distributor or sub-distributor.
The results show that the channel in the present circumstances is focused on the bare essentials to salvage business from the setbacks it has been receiving. Thus margins, profits and warranty policy figure among the top five criteria, confirming that the bottomline is the primary concern to the channel.
p____p Players in the channel should, however, prioritize issues that may hold the key to long-term benefits and sustenance. Training and support are critical issues. For instance, the certification programs drawn up by Tait and Siva (Systems Integrators� Voluntary Association) of Mumbai are steps in the right direction. In tough times, we may sometimes lose sight of the long range goals, when immediate circumstances demands survival. However, the channel must remember that training, certification are issues that will bolster performance in the longer run and help players climb the value chain. Now, for those keen on knowing who the channel champions were, hold your horses. Leaf through the pages that follow, which I assure you makes very interesting reading.
p____p E-mail me at rnarayan@itnation.com
R. Narayan,
Assistant Editor