Expert Speak

Why I love my Windows Phone?

Windows Phone

–Suresh Ramani

Of the three Mobile platforms of choice viz. Android , iPhone and Windows Phone, the market share of Windows Phone is the least. Yet I am of the firm opinion that Windows Phone is the best phone for Business. Here’s why:

I am a big fan of Productivity. My work mainly involves giving solutions to customers which increase their productivity ( ) . I also write a bi monthly blog on Cloud and Productivity ( ) . So my usage of a phone is also geared towards productivity.

My reasons of using Windows Phone can be classified in the following areas:
1) Features unique to Windows Phone
2) Features unique to Nokia
3) Productivity Apps

1) Features unique to Windows Phone
a. LIVE Tiles
b. Peoples Hub
c. Start Screen customization

Look at the screen above. I have mapped the important email folders as individual LIVE Tiles. I have set up server based rules by which mails get routed to the respective folders. So as soon as I get any mail in these important Email folders, it gets reflected in the LIVE Tiles via notifications. This allows me to respond immediately to an important email .

In the image, just below the email folders, you will see LIVE Tiles of my WordPress and Blogger blogs and my YouTube channel. And below that are LIVE Tiles for my One Drive, MS Office and One Note.

So I have thus created LIVE Tiles for my Email folders, important websites and Documents.
In the image above, you can see that I have grouped my Social Media accounts of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. I have also grouped my personal Email accounts in Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo .
And just below that I have created LIVE Tiles for Customers, Friends, Family. If I am connected to the Customer via Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, then any update by my group contact in any of the Social Media will be reflected in the LIVE Tile . So the focus is on People and NOT on applications.

This brings me to another important feature (Please check the screen above). The People Hub is a great innovation which brings together contacts from my Outlook, Hotmail and my Social Media accounts. You will see that I have created LIVE Tiles for my family right at the Top. And I have put Music and Camera Apps near the Top just below the Calendar.

This shows that to me what is important is Family , Music, Photography , Appointments & Meetings. So my Phone reflects my Personality. It is an extension of my Personality. This ability to customize my Phone to suit my interests is very powerful.

2) Features unique to Nokia: There are some wonderful apps like HERE Drive (turn by turn voice navigation) , Maps , Nokia Music, Nokia Camera which can currently be found only on Nokia Phones. They have functionality far superior to the peer apps .

3) Productivity apps : I also use some wonderful apps which are cross platform like Budget trackker, Petrol trackker , Exercise trackker, etc.

I have created a 10 minute video on why Windows Phone. Visit and watch at . Hopefully after you have read the article and watched the video, you will be more inclined to Windows Phone.

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