In an era, where we are getting increasingly technical, emotions have taken a back-seat. I have spoken to various channel partners, and sales executives who endorsed my view. They ask, “We have to close the deal and move on to the next one. Where is the time for customer connect?
Very rightly, the query raised by the channel and the sales executives is reflective of the slowdown, stiff competition, survival and professionalism’. But where does it leave the good old term ‘contacts’? And this is giving rise to professional antagonism. Competition and strategies to beat your competitor is a different ball game altogether, but antagonism is giving birth to a different breed of sales professional’s altogether.
Let me give you an example. I was talking to a regional sales manager of a start-up sometime back. He was at a ‘customer’s place’ the whole day. A senior sales executive from a known brand was also present. But the duo was so embroiled in selling their products; they even refused to acknowledge each other. This despite the fact that they belong to the same fraternity, sell the same technology and had worked with each other, not so long ago. “The emotional bond was lacking.”
And this lack of emotion is also reflecting in the manner in which they sell. I was just reading an article sometime back, where the suggested that sales executives ask more questions. Some of the pertinent points the author made were:
By raising the questions:
You are spending more time with the customer
You are getting to know him/her better
You are learning about their need, instead of closing your deal
You are listening to them
You are talking less
And so on and so forth
What the author is trying to tell people, so that is what I infer is that connect with people. And connection at some point of time or other does involve emotion. Even customers or consumers these days are emotionally connected with the new products they buy.
Take for example: The new phone you buy. The first call is to your family, girlfriend, etc. (somebody close). Customers expect that once the LCD computers or televisions purchased are plugged in, they should immediately transmit colors on the screen.
I am wondering why such humane qualities can not be imbibed in business. Or is it old fashioned to be emotional? I have not come across any survey saying that cold executives have been able to close more deals than friendly guys. There is a difference between being cold, and being professional.
I am not generalizing that all channel and sales executives are cold. But there is an increasing breed which is losing its warmth in a bid to be aggressive and do more business. Just shake a hand, just smile, or just nod at your competitor, and see what wonders that gesture works for you
There’s another wonder waiting for you at your own Channel Times, and that the Channel Budget survey we are carrying out. We will be sending you formal invite to participate, but what will make our effort a success, will be your participation.
So till next weekend .