This June 360 Magazine celebrates its fifth anniversary. And there’s a lot to celebrate about. It’s a celebration of Endurance, a celebration of Hope and, above all, a celebration of Triumph. For just like the industry it covers, the magazine, too, has seen its ups & downs. Our successes gave us the conviction to carry on, while our disappointments taught us lessons for future success.
In these five years, we have also realized that in life it’s all about the journey. On a hunch we got into publishing and today, five years later, we can confidently say that we own the news in the channel space in the country.
Just half a decade old and our milestones are impressive, too. Our flagship event, the Discover India Yatra put the spotlight on non-metro markets at a time when the metro markets were still lucrative. This foresight has opened doors of opportunities to not just the hinterland partners, but also IT manufacturers who participated in the Yatra. The Golden Rhino Awards has become the mark of reliability in the Indian IT channel, while Channel Champions Awards and Bhoomi Awards have become symbols of partners trust in IT manufacturers.
These five years have strengthened our belief that life is about the journey
At the risk of sounding cliched, I would like to say that we could not have traveled so far without the support and faith that we got from our readers. When we stumbled, you helped us get back on our feet, if we strayed, you got us on track, and when we took on an issue or challenge you supported us.
Our Awards would not be the industry hallmarks they have become without the patronage of our readers. And our accomplishments would have rung hollow if not for the endorsement of our readers.
So, thank you dear readers for being our “partners” through these last five years. We look forward to the next five and count on you being by our side.