Puducherry: The Puducherry IT Association [ITTA-PDY] participated in “Swatch Bharat”-Clean India program. The program has been
conducted by Vigneshwara Higher Secondary School, situated in the industrial area of Sedrapet, 14 kilometers from Puducherry.
The school has aptly chosen our national leader Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday is the right day to fulfil his dream of clean India. The objective was to educate school children as “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” and Health is wealth” and to create awareness to the industries and the people living in the surrounding areas.
E-Swachh Bharat –Clean India program inaugurated by Usdu constituency’ MLA Theepainthan and encouraged all participants including 500 school children, teachers, ITTA-Members to continue clean the Sedrapet in and around area.
Sedrapet, loading and unloading association’ leader Nagaratnam supported the program with the help of his members. Villianoor commissioner Arumugam arranged vehicles to remove all the collected garbage. Government Doctor PamagalKavithai not only helped himself cleaning the area with his fellow staff and sprayed bleaching power around the area.
President of the ITTA-PDY association Arun Subbu Rangan, Secretary Prabhakar and CONFED-EC Jaypaul and senior member Kandasamy and the program co-ordinator D.SoundaraPandian delivered a concrete speech about the importance of keeping our surrounding clean in order to achieve the “Swatch Bharat ” – Clean India that leads healthy life where we live in.
To Support the Nobel cause “Swachh Bharat” and to give join hands to the School, the forum had given necessary materials such as Cap, Gloves, Mouth Mask, Broomsticks, Dustbin etc. And participated along with young students and cleaned the Sedrapet surrounded area.
The Clean India program has created a good awareness not only to all students but also for the general public.