NewsWhy Brick and Mortar Needs A Digital Reboot?Channel Times Bureau8 years agoMumbai: The physical stores which are yet to recognize the significance of digital technologies to match the pace of online...
News2016 Flashback: 4 Notable Events For Channel PartnersPriyanka Pugaokar8 years agoThe year 2016 brought some of the crucial updates for the partners, especially for the Brick and Mortar. The government...
TrendsFestive Season Will Rejuvenate Offline Channel Biz: PartnersPriyanka Pugaokar8 years agoMumbai: In a major setback for the brick and mortar, the IT hardware vendors have not announced festive season special incentive...
TrendsE Commerce Players Set To Tussle In Online Battle GroundPriyanka Pugaokar8 years agoMajor E Commerce platforms are back with their popular festive season sale. Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal and other major OLS marketplaces...
TrendsDiwali Bonanza: Brands Shower Offers On CustomersChannel Times Bureau8 years agoMumbai: The Diwali festival is just few days away and the ICT brands are all set to rock during this...
TrendsTop Line Vs. Bottom Line: Is The Channel Perplexed?Priyanka Pugaokar8 years agoMumbai: In a highly flooded IT channel business, partners are struggling hard to meet with the pace of the changing business...
NewsAsus Bets Big On Offline Channel For Smartphone BizPriyanka Pugaokar8 years agoMumbai: Taiwanese IT hadware and smartphone maker Asus is heavily focusing on the offline distribution channel to expand its smartphone...
TrendsWhat Makes Brick & Mortar Attractive For eCommerce Players?Priyanka Pugaokar8 years agoMumbai: After bringing massive disruptions in the online space, the e-Commerce companies seem to be going back to the basics....
NewsOnline Retailers Plan Big To Boost Festival SalesPoonam Mondal8 years agoMumbai: With the festival season fast approaching, the battle lines are drawn for capturing the mindshare of customers, more so with...
NewsHandset Makers Bank On Offline Channel To Boost SalesPriyanka Pugaokar8 years agoThe stiff competition in the smartphone market and the government mulling control over discounting practices of e-commerce companies are prompting...