Ahmedabad: SME plays a major role in the growth of any country and India is no exception. Our make in India initiative is heavily dependent upon the SMEs. As SMEs are handicapped by a limited set of resources and skillsets therefore; there must be right architectural strategy and practice to mitigate those challenges. And Optimizing IT Resources to Embrace Future Applications is the need of the hour. In this regard a “5 City SME Connect” gets a kick off from today in Ahmedabad in sync with Schneider Electric.
The other four cities will be covered in next two months. The highlight of the event is to interpret the SME technology challenges and mitigate those challenges with a systematic approach.
Channel partners can come in to cash this opportunity as every sector be it large enterprises or SMEs, they look for reliable source to handhold them to bring in the tech up-gradation in their organisation and who better than channel partners can drive this.
Everyone knows that SMEs are handicapped by a limited set of resources and skill sets therefore; there must be right architectural strategy and practice to mitigate those challenges. Power, cooling, racking and stacking are never taken seriously in any IT discussion but these are very important for the SMEs.
SME plays a major role in the growth of any country and India is no exception. The make in India initiative is heavily dependent upon the SMEs.
The government has already passed the law that in all government and PSU procurements, 20 percent will be from the SME organisation. They contribute up to 60 percent of total employment and up to 40 percent of national income (GDP) in emerging economies including India.
As per the government report, India has approximately 40 million of SMEs out of which 200, 000 are mid-market customers.
And as per the World Bank report, 600 million jobs will be created by the SMEs in the next 12 years.
However, access to right technology is a challenge for them, especially when there is extreme pressure to perform. They need to be competent with the large enterprises and in the global market as well. They must adopt new technologies including IOT, Analytics, Cloud Computing, Social Media Marketing, Mobility, etc.
Speaking on the event, Amod Ranade, General Manager, Data Center Business Development, IT Division, Schneider Electric said, “Schneider Electric is once again changing the energy management paradigm with the launch of Ecostruxuure architecture that leverages IoT and IT to deliver class leading efficiency and performance.
Today, access to data is changing everything from business to health, politics, family life, and entertainment. It’s now more important than ever to protect your most valuable asset: information. This is the reason APC by Schneider Electric creates reliable solutions that provide certainty in a connected world”.
There are many approaches but the most feasible approach is to keep the investment intact and bring in right practices to make their mission possible and this is where components like cooling, power, racking, stacking and overall designing has a major role to play.