
Mobile Marketing: Must Strategies For Businesses

Mobile Marketing

“Today it is inherently difficult to separate the man from his mobile.” This statement by the Mobile Marketing Association defines the essence of today, where ‘digital’ and ‘mobile’ are not mere buzzwords but ingrained as a way of life.

Business tycoons to agile start-ups seem to have jumped onto the bandwagon of digitisation. And rightly so, to tap into a burgeoning user base across customer segments, businesses are turning to the hand-device to woo well-informed, well-connected potential customers.

Mobile marketing encompasses a range of communication channels: SMS, IVR, MMS, In-game marketing, App-based, web-based, m-commerce etc. The opportunity is humungous, with more than 950 million (2014) mobile users in India, who can be reached with video, audio or gaming content on their phones in an extremely personalised manner.

Also, according to a report by eMarketer, globally, advertisers are expected to spend $101.37 billion for ads on mobile phones and tablets in 2016.

Mobile is redefining the norms of marketing from mere connect to high reach, high engagement and high efficiency. This is especially relevant for SMBs , because of three reasons: Low initial investment; shorter cycle time and the power to reach a diverse pool of customers. (B2B or B2C). However, the question remains, can we leverage that platform optimally?

Setting the agenda for Mobile Marketing
Define the objective: While most organisations outline building brand awareness, building a community and customer engagement as the three key agendas, the starting point for an SMB is to define the ‘Why’. For example, many organizations have defined it as a rural penetration strategy to increase farmer engagement or to utilize m-commerce as a tool for financial inclusion, a move in line with the business aspirations of increasing rural share.

Devise a mobile marketing plan
Defining the target audience in terms of needs, motivators, access, infrastructure, communication drivers etc. calls for detailed planning. Hire a mobile marketing expert to build capability on digital marketing, or establish connect with the local body associations. Devise clear policies and processes including plans, dos and don’ts and roles to translate thoughts into doable actions.

Addressing the Creative Gap
While the right infrastructure can help, content continues to be King for marketing. A few seconds of touch-base is all marketers get to create the desired “pull” and convert the potential customer into a happy client.

According to the India Adspend Report by Mobile Marketing Association, most organizations are not ready with impactful creative campaigns and still struggle with understanding this dynamic medium of communication. SMBs can leverage their niche and small customer base for bringing in a dash of personalization in mobile content.

The key to cracking the mobile marketing code lies in acceptance of the ‘Decade of the Mobile’ and analysing the potential this medium promises. A change in mind-set to embrace this and a commitment to delivering the “Power of Knowledge and Connect” can propel businesses to new heights.

(Rhucha Kulkarni is a freelancer)

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