It’s like meeting a teenager who is struggling to gain the maturity of an adult, but on occasions can still throw tantrums like a child. Channel associations across India are stuck in this in-between stage. While on the macro-level, members are seeking ways to improve their business practices, on the micro-level, the bickering and the infighting continue to dominate day-to-day operations.
p____p Given this scenario, the move by Nacit to introduce a code of conduct for all its member-associations is a step in the right direction. Though still in the preliminary stage, this is a step in the right direction, as it will help its members gain the much-needed maturity.
p____p Through its various events organized across the country, 360Magazine has had the opportunity to interact with various channel associations. In some instances, the magazine has even facilitated the formation of some state-level associations. But by and large most of the feedback from partners in these far-away towns is that the associations are not very active. This is sad news indeed!
p____p An association is the best facilitator to ensure better business practices in the channel. Peer pressure and the authority an association commands, especially in non-metro towns, can be effectively utilized to ensure that the channel community plays by the rule. But that is only once these bodies get the rules of the game right themselves.
p____p In the metros, associations have realized their power and are using it in the right manner. Many associations have stood their ground and have got vendors and policy-makers to turn decisions in the channels favor.
p____p Now it’s time for partners in smaller towns to get a taste of this confidence. But that will happen only when petty politics stop and more macro-issues are brought to the table and resolved to the satisfaction of the members.
p____p So stop the fingure-pointing and work towards ushering in the next phase of growth. There is a better channel waiting to be developed.