Expert Speak

Are IT Associations Really Serving the Purpose?


I am hoping that the channel community is coming out in large number to vote and give India a deserving leader.

But today, I will not write about the elections, the results or the repercussions. Today I want to share with you certain observations I have made after reading stories both in Channel Times and competition, on the IT associations.

However, let me make it clear at the onset that like one size does not fit all, my observations do not apply to all those associations who are genuinely trying to benefit, and are working in tandem with their respective channel members, especially in these times of distress.

While the slowdown may not last forever, and the pastures have started looking green, I am wondering why are associations not being proactive?  While many are grappling with the royalty issues, defaulters, thefts and robberies, as also the VAT, some are lying low.

Lying low in the sense that there are no follow-ups on the issues the association raised with vendors or the government. Let us take Assam based NECTA for example. It fought tooth and nail against AMTRON’s decision to directly supply desktops to the students. It was to further draft some action plan in its March 10 AGM. But nothing has happened. It reacted to the situation at hand. By forming an action plan, it could have played a pro active role to prevent such activities in future.

Something that Tamil Nadu-based Confed ITA is doing. It is proactively taking up issues faced by its channel community with the respective vendors, and the results are for all to see. Similarly associations like MAIT, TAIT, etc can be ideal role models which other associations can follow. One of them has even gone ahead and bagged a certification, and now acts as a quasi-judicial body.

Two months ago, after the VAT issue plagued channel partners across states, the associations had come together and decided to form a national body. While some associations are a part of the body, I am yet to come across a majority that has joined the body, and is eagerly carrying out joint initiatives with other associations. There is a need to unite. Not long ago did we see the fruits of this unity, essentially when vendors had to withdraw certain schemes that were hurting the partners.

The only point I wanted to make by putting it across in an edit is that the associations are doing plenty of good work. But I still have to see the rigour and the energy required to make them pro-active. Like they would say in any business environment, “Wait not for opportunities to knock at your door, smell it when it’s on way.”

On a positive note, in the stories that my team is doing on association and elections, I am seeing a lot of them talking about holding seminars and channel education programmes.

While you dwell on the topic… till next weekend…

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