InterviewsCRM Spending On Sales Force Automation To Drop By 2020Preeti9 years agoSandeep Rattan Bhatt National Sales Head, C-Zentrix Evolving technology and business trends are redefining the SME ecosystem. One of the...
TrendsConsumer Tech Industry Poised For A Slow Growth in 2016: AccenturePreeti9 years agoThe year 2016 doesn’t hold very positive outlook for the consumer electronics industry. Heightened data security concerns, falling demand for...
TrendsCyber Threat: Unisys Warns Of Machine-Controlled Physical AttacksPreeti9 years agoFollowing a year of damaging security incidents at organizations ranging from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management to the Ashley...
TrendsSMBs, IoT Devices Will Be Bigger Targets For Cybercriminals: Sophos ReportPreeti9 years agoAhmedabad, INDIA –23 December, 2015; Sophos, a global leader in network and endpoint security technology has released its global cybersecurity...
TrendsWhat Sets Apart Brocade’s Partner Strategy From Others?Preeti9 years agoThe rapid adoption of technologies like SMAC (Social, mobile, analytics and cloud) and software-defined data centers are driving transformation in...
TrendsDell Will Open Up Strong Channels For Us: EMCPreeti9 years agoThe $65 billion Dell-EMC’s potential deal is touted as the biggest ever in the IT industry. While the deal is...