Mumbai based Icatch infosec has recently unveiled its slew of IT security products for both mobile and desktops.The company is planning to vigorously enter the market through the range of Security tools including Ccure Ongo Anti Theft (For Mobile phones), Cure Ongo Anti Hacking (For Mobile,PC and Server), Ccure Ongo Anti Ransomware (For Mobile,PC and Server), Ccure Ongo Box, Ccure Ongo Anti Keylogger and Ccure Ongo Delete. In an exclusive chat with Channel Times, Vasant Tajne, Founder and Chairman, Icatch Infosec, also a former cop with the Mumbai police, shares the channel plans for these products. Edited excerpts.
Channel Times: How unique is your product in the herd of multiple security solutions?
Vasant Tajne: There are many security solution providers today who claim to provide 100% security. These products are basically antivirus but they don’t help in protecting against Hacking attacks or Ransomware attacks. Ccure Ongo not only provides protection against viruses but also save against hacking and other external threats. Also the major difference is in the course of action that we use for Ccure Ongo Tools. These Tools not only work on signature basis but also on behavioural aspect thereby detecting never seen before type of threats as well.
When any Ransomware attacks your system and starts encrypting files, Ccure Ongo Anti Ransomware detects and kills the Ransomware. Some files which are encrypted can also be restored from the inbuilt encrypted back upper. Even in the worst case scenario if the files are wiped out, as in case of recent attacks PETYA, the data can be retrieved from secured online backupper. The unique Kernel Level encryption of keystrokes, helps protect against key-logger. In Android, all permissions to any hidden apps which are spying on you, are detected and denied by default.
Some advance features of Ccure Ongo like advanced firewall to detect suspicious ports ,advanced uninstaller which detects and uninstall even the hidden apps , similarly Sherlock feature in Anti Hacking for mobile lists both normal as well as hidden apps using various permissions and by default closes the permission. There is a unique shield feature which alerts if any services is turned-on in accessibility by red colour. For iphone an orange colour alert is activated if iphone is jail broken. All these features make us stand out in the competition.
Channel Times: Are security threats confined only to large enterprises? Does a small and medium business face threats similar to large enterprises?
Vasant Tajne: : The cyberspace is becoming vulnerable for everyone and anyone without discrimination of age, sex, size of firm or social status. Private firms and Govt. Firms are becoming targets equally. Small size firms are encountering these attacks at an alarming rate, as they are easy targets and do not attract much media ,police or Govt. attention. Also hacking of mobile phones has become commonplace and private information has become vulnerable as never before. In such a scenario it is of utmost importance that we make ourselves safe.
Channel Times: What are the top 5 factors a channel partner should tell while convincing a customer to buy Ccure Ongo?
Vasant Tajne: Ccure Ongo Products are the necessity of today. It is evident by the recent attacks we are facing. As I experienced while working with crime branch and ATS, cyber crime is tough to investigate and most of the time justice cannot be delivered so it is eminent that we take precautionary steps as punitive options are few.
Doing a budget and damage analysis shows that the price paid for Ccure products is nothing as compared to the damage it prevents in terms of money, data, time and mental stress due to fear of loss. These reduce the perception of threat.
It is essential to protect your business data from hacking as it brings business to standstill. Ccure Ongo is world’s first Indian developed Security tool which protect from hacking attacks. Many a times even after paying the demanded ransom the decryption is not done and we are rendered helpless.
Ccure Ongo Anti Hacking is certified by Auditor empanelled by a CERT-IN (Computer Emergency Response Team, India), Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India.
As the product stands out of competition there are high margin gains in initial stages which any agile businessman would use to his advantage.
Channel Times: Please explain your backend and reward schemes?
Vasant Tajne: Currently we are having a scheme for a tour to Las Vegas, US for 4 nights and 5 days in February 2018 for the Distributors who purchase 15000 boxes of any or a combination of our product line. This scheme is for the duration of 6 months starting 1st July 2017 to 31st of December 2017.
Channel Times: How you would train and educate the customer and channel both in terms of product awareness?
Vasant Tajne: Our training strategy is divided into 3 modules:- an online video campaign on Youtube to provide mass and ground level know how and user guides, on-ground training team which is already working and our 100 cities training campaign is designed for selected 100 cities where we would arrange training sessions for distributor and system integrators in groups of 200 per event.
Channel Times: Please explain your distribution structure.
Vasant Tajne: Our distribution system is in both online and offline channels. In offline channel we will have regional distributor covering East, West, North and South India thereby giving us a PAN India coverage. Also we have large corporate clients and corporate gifting houses as our business associates. Our presence is also visible on LFRs and other retail counters.
Over the online space, our products are sold through all key e-tailers.
Channel Times: What is your roadmap for Indian channel. How you are planning to take your products to channel partners?
Vasant Tajne: Our vision is to reach every corner of India and to provide every individual a chance to protect their cyber space. For this we have a roadmap to start with 20 cities at present and take this number to 100 in coming 6 months. Also our online selling will give us a chance to be present in every nook and corner of India in a very short span.