Expert Speak

Confed Summit In Goa Is All About Networking And Conversations


-Duraikannu Soundarapandian

The much awaited and most expected SUMMIT-2014 of Confed-ITA’s count down has started. The associaiton’s president Mr. Natarajan, who is the mastermind behind the entire celebration and Mr. Amar Babu, President of MAIT who is likely to be summit’s chief guest adds to the excitement.

Summits can be powerful events, but bringing all the right people together, in the right place and in the right way isn’t easy. Around 500 delegates from all associations belongs to CONFED-ITA have started packing their bags and a few might be on their way to Goa.

A summit is a strategic converging place that brings different perspectives within a system together to talk about the big picture and bigger questions. You are travelling with a group of mission-critical and like-minded people to the summit for a mountaintop experience that in time will change your profession, industry, or cause in significant ways.

Our main aim is to share knowledge connected with business, social and integrity. Needless to say, we will get brand representation, sponsor presentation, member association presentation, award ceremony and of course the gala dinner. Do you need any other reason to participate in Summit-2014?

Declare purpose and bold aspirations, convene influential leaders and stakeholders, invite provocative ideas, facilitate dialogue, encourage breakthrough thinking, celebrate shared vision for new opportunities and watch changes taking place.

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