Mysore: In a significant development for the IT Dealers of Karnataka, FiTDAK (Federation of IT Dealers of Karnataka) has enabled a mobile platform for all its members. This is to help FiTDAK to connect all its members at the state and district level. The platform enables all IT Dealers in Karnataka to be connected through one platform for participation, discussion and decision making on issues that concern the IT Dealer Community.
“Today’s business environment is rapidly changing, and if we do not adapt to these changes, we will face tough challenges in the coming months. We have been organized as an Association. But, for us to leverage this coming together, we needed to bring all members under one umbrella, easily accessible to each other,” said Arun Nagaraj, President, FiTDAK. “By launching FiTDAK App, we intend to leverage the power of IT Dealers as a community so that all of us grow together in these challenging times. We have lot of plans that we intend to do with FiTDAK – MyApp,” he added.
The platform will bring all the members of District Associations into their district app, which will be under FiTDAK app in Karnataka. The desire is also to roll out this App at the National Level in the coming months. FiTDAK officially launched this IT vertical specific app in their AGM on 17th June, 2017, at Davanagere, Karnataka. MyApp was customized for the IT vertical and released after a year-long collaboration with Samatha Digital Solutions Pvt. Ltd. This App will be used to connect FiTDAK and all District level IT Associations in Karnataka. “Although tools like email, SMS, MMS, chat, etc, are being used now, these apps are disconnected from each other. MyApp provides all these functionalities, and much more, under a single app,” said Ashok, Secretary of FiTDAK.
Reliable communication, collaboration and information sharing is very essential during these ever evolving and changing times, especially now with GST roll out. “It is high time that influencers in the IT vertical like IT dealers, associations and federations take a leading role in getting organized using digital technologies such as Mobile Apps,” said Manoj, Treasurer of FiTDAK.
Not just for communication purpose, the app also has some unique features like chat, surveys, cloud-based storage, digital forms and more.
MyApp Ad Board:
By getting digitally organized through MyApp IT associations and federations are now in a unique position to provide value-added services and opportunities and also provide a platform for advertisers.
1. OEM’s and even small manufacturers can place digital Ads through the Association’s app and leverage local, state and nation-wide reach. By providing such wide reach, the IT fraternity can take a lead role in realizing the “Make in India” initiative in the IT vertical.
2. Now Associations can monetize Ad services, they can now turn into profit centers, and utilize the revenues for various projects and events.
3. The Ad Board feature is accessed through the association’s AppSite.
4. Each Association gets its own Ad Board. District Associations can reach out to IT dealers and retailers in the district, state associations can reach out to all districts of the state. National association can reach out to all states and districts in India.
5. Admins, or authorized executive members, can manage Ads.
6. Ads go through a work-flow like blogs- draft, publish and archive. The local association can decide the costing, launch and duration of every Ad posted.
7. Ads are accompanied by multi-media content- image, PDF, Doc and video formats are supported. The local association can decide the costing based on the media type also.