If you are starting a new business or looking to expand your business operations, you may now pause and relax! Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS), one of India’s SmartOffice Solutions Provider brings a one-stop-shop to address the specific business challenges of small and medium enterprises (SME) that are looking at increasing workplace productivity, streamlining regular tasks, and making safer and more comfortable working space for employees.
Keeping in mind the challenges faced by SMEs in managing multiple technologies and devices, and dealing with multiple vendors and partners, SmartOffice has been designed as an innovative single box solution, to meet all Information and Communication Technology (ICT) requirements of businesses. It is a powerful combo that bundles voice, data, storage and applications.
Benefits of SmartOffice solutions for SMEs
For small businesses, there are several benefits of using SmartOffice solutions. A few can be listed below:
An all-in-one enterprise solution
SMEs often invest in multiple devices or even end up approaching multiple service providers to run business requirements. But with SmartOffice, an all-in-one enterprise solution, you can obtain data, voice, storage, and app integration virtually replacing hundreds of manual processes. You can significantly free up time, resource and boost productivity through smart automation.
Moreover, integration often turns out to be a challenge for your business. The data you access on your mobile may not be the same in your laptop or other devices. But with the benefits of smart Wi-Fi and IoT by the SmartOffice Solutions Provider in India, you can seamlessly connect all devices, including tablet, Smartphone, digital signage screens, among others.
Provides a centralized platform
SmartOffice solution can help you scale your broadband, phone lines and other connections with one centralized access point which fits your business requirements. A centralized system allows your employees to be more productive with the freedom to collaborate with each other and perform work more effectively when and where they want. Furthermore, the internet connectivity remains fast and agile, no matter where you are and you can confidently exchange data in a reliable and secure connection.
Cost effective solution
With zero hardware expenditure, you can effortlessly connect across the enterprise and empower your employees to drive business goals. With SmartOffice, a business no longer needs to invest in multiple devices or approach multiple service providers to setup a new office or a branch operation. In other words, brings an affordable, reliable, easy to deploy solution, which is a perfect choice for enterprises looking to embark on a successful entrepreneurial venture.
In the digital era, businesses are realizing that even the slightest increase in their efficiency can become a powerful competitive advantage. With SmartOffice you get a bunch of cool SaaS products to simplify your IT management. In every sense, the solution can help your business and employees grow. Tata Tele Business Services SmartOffice Solutions result in greater workplace efficiency.