The IT Association of Odisha [ITAO] held its 13th Annual General meeting (AGM) in Bhubaneswar, Odisha in July 2018. ITAO with its members from all over Odisha attended the meeting and participated in the election of New office bearers and Executive Body with much enthusiasm.
ITAO has over 100 members from all over the state of Orissa which constitute more than 75% market share of Orissa’s IT business. Since 1998 ITAO has organised eight IT-Expos with the help of Govt. of Orissa and IT corporate houses. This year’s meeting, hosted at The Empires, Saheed nagar, Bhubaneswar was attended by members and many attending for the first time.
There were four special points for the meeting – Annual Accounts presentation, New EB committee to be elected for 2018-2020 session, Discussion of new challenges in the IT industry and Adding more members into ITAO.
It was clear that there is a growing interest within IT Industry in Cloud storage and Integrated Solution Provider. Members urged to provided specialised capabilities for organising, Training, analysing and visualising information into such sectors.
Members reviewed the performances and agreed that the activities of ITAO needs to be more proactive and diverse. In a highly interactive session, several suggestions on how ITAO could evolve to meet the challenges were discussed by Mr. Ansuman Patnaik and Mr. Pritish Gupta.
Mr. Aswini Mohapatra, Mr. Arun Sutar and Mr. Bhrama Prakash Mishra very well cooridinated the Election process in forming the New ITAO Executive Body for 2018-2020.
Members also discussed for ITAO’s involment in differrent Annual Activities and National level Association activities. Outgoing Office beaeres Thanked all members and assured support for all events of ITAO. The President Mr. Srinibash Tripathy thanked all members for the responsibility given to him and assured to take ITAO into greater heightes. New Secretary Mr. Rakesh Mohapatra, New Vice President Mr. Prakash ch. Ray and New Treasurer Mr. Alok Mohanty all expressed their gratitude to all members of ITAO. Former Sectrary of ITAO, Mr. Dayananda Ratho assured all help, guidance and cooperation from his side for the New team.
In summary, it was a highly successful AGM and members involment in all ITAO’s events and activities is manking ITAO more stronger and New members coming into the Executive Committee making it more energetic and active for all future activites of ITAO.