Nagercoil, Aug 18: The Kanyakumari IT Association (KKDCDA) which had recently banned K7 anti-virus and other products by the company has lifted the ban.
The Association had imposed the ban after it found that K7 had conducted sessions for unauthorized freelancers in the region. The issue was first reported by Channel Times and was escalated to the vendor.
P G Sunil Kumar, secretary of the association told ‘Channel Times’, the vendor had approached the association and after a discussion they arrived at an amicable solution which was supposedly a win-win for both the association and the vendor. The association has also decided to put forth with the Confed-ITA to urge the vendors to give preference for the members who are dealing with them for long time.
In the final resolution, the association hailed the efforts of Channel Times to highlight the issue and and help them reach the top management of K7.