Political parties have realized the importance of information technology and are now giving it due respect. While the BJP has released a document on its IT Vision, the Congress too is subtly voicing its support toward the IT industry and its contribution toward economic development.
My colleagues Kapil and Soma have already done stories what the respective election manifestos spell for the community, and how you view these promises. Overall, I have seen a lot of enthusiasm and promise in the responses given by the associations and the resellers in these stories. But there is also caution. And the channel has very rightly pointed out that the political parties should implement the written word in true spirit.
Whether the political parties fulfill their promises remains to be seen. The ten pointers listed below can serve guide during the slowdown.
Oil your machinery: Recharge yourselves. Partners I have spoken to during slow down said they will use this period to enhance the skill sets of their employees rather then issue pink slips. Well, here is an opportunity to leverage those skill sets. Now you know what the political parties have envisioned. Start thinking about opportunities around those.
Recharge your batteries: Recharge. And the enthusiasm has to come from the top. Believe me a positive attitude from the top can be contagious, and can spread like quick fire among the lower rung. Give your employees some thing to look forward to.
Compare: So as no to be over enthused about the new promises, dig out the old files. Read and carefully read re-read the promises and how much of it was actually implemented. Compare those promises to the ones made now!
Strategise: Organise meetings. List down strengths and weaknesses. Keep an eye for possible partnerships. Chart out a road map. Check your own resources, intellectual, monetary and human.
Consolidate: See what will benefit you. Develop teams out of individuals working in silos. That can work wonders.
Appreciate and Criticise: Appreciate ideas given by peers. Give them due credit for the same. And criticize negative influences. For example: an employee interrupts discussion to simply turn down any new idea proposed. Gently tell him to stay quiet, and if the same continues, tell him the others are listening attentively to the new concept, and that his feedback is a bit too early.
Think: It is possible that the promises made by the political parties have given avenues to many partners to foray into new businesses. Think hard on whether the foray would be good, and whether the new segment will complement the existing area of business. Are you equipped to branch out completely? Do you have the bandwidth and the expertise? Take employees into confidence. Let them not hear of your decision from outside.
List and Plan: At the top of the list should be your agenda for a group meeting or discussion/open house on how to form strategies for the new business. Categorise people and disburse responsibilities in terms of who will look after the new branches, and who will take the core business ahead. Be prepared for risks and losses. Accept the two as part and parcel of the business, and DO NOT blame your colleagues for the same. ACT on the plan.
Keep a back-up ready: While many of the lists above many include branching out, utilizing more resources, etc, prepare yourselves for factors (external and internal) that may force you to change your business plans. This is especially keeping in mind the sudden changes that the current slowdown is forcing businesses to make. A back-up in such a scenario also helps.
Be Clear and Get Clarity: Demand clarity from vendors, and even the government. That is your right. With out clarity, all of the above will fuzz out.
I do not claim that all these pointers are correct, and comprehensive. It is you, the channel who can share experiences and help your peers learn. Write back to me on what you think about these, and what more can be done. Use the big picture as a platform to reach out to partners and people in your community. Who knows, collectively we may just come up with a bomb of an idea!!!!