Business continuity is the most essential element of any organization. Most companies understand the need to protect their business data from major outages causing due to human error, hardware failures or natural disasters. However, when it comes to disaster recovery (DR) readiness, most organizations lack a blue print of disaster management mechanism that could be the savior in an unexpected crisis situation. Here the managed service providers (MSPs) can play a role in helping businesses build and implement their DR plans.
The recent survey by Evolve IP reveals the big disconnect between C-level executives and IT professionals when it comes to DR readiness. The survey highlights that nearly 54 percent were very prepared to recover their systems from a major disaster, while 44 percent were somewhat prepared. The numbers are enough to understand the current state of preparedness of IT decision makers to avoid critical situations. The report says that MSPs could be instrumental in planning and executing the DR plan in the organization.
Many partners are looking to become DRaaS providers and there are many ways to provide disaster recovery services. Thanks to the cloud and rapidly declining prices for usage, a traditional systems integrator (SI) or VAR of any size can now offer DRaaS without building a datacenter. It’s also becoming more straightforward for partners with datacenters to deliver DRaaS in ways customers can now afford and easily manage. Those that have started offering DRaaS can extend it to include other forms of storage, backup and replication services.
“Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Survey” finds that many professionals and managers participate in risky behavior that includes the use of legacy backup tapes or replicating data to a secondary site that is less than 50 miles from their primary data center. The findings indicates that confidence in DR plans grows when companies use hosted solutions: disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) and an MSP environment.
DRaaS is emerging as a revenue generating field for channel partners, where partners having expertise in data security and protection can explore themselves. However, it is very important to gain domain knowledge as the data management is a vast field having various components in it.