This is one event that we have all been waiting for – the formation of NACIT (National Association of Channels of Information Technology) is a milestone for the IT hardware industry. In many ways, it signals the coming of age of IT resellers as an informed and a well knit business community, ready to safeguard their interests. Hats off to the architects behind this.
p____p This is a good beginning and there is lot to be achieved through this forum. Now the body has elected representatives and a managing committee, which augurs well. For the longer haul ahead, the association should truly acquire Pan Indian colors, with more widespread geographical representation and not be restricted. Reseller associations from other parts of the country, who all were not informed of the momentous occasion, should be brought into the loop.
p____p It could indeed have been better to bring as many more reseller associations under the umbrella right at the beginning. 25 associations are reportedly a part of it and more are expected to join, judging by the interest that the story on ChannelTimes generated.
p____p The concerns of the channel, which have been falling on deaf ears, could find a powerful voice in Nacit. There could be a lot of items on the association�s agenda. The association has spelt out the hope to match Mait and Nasscom in every parameter. But I suspect that it could do better. It could move ahead, where Mait has been unable to deliver, in meeting the expectations of ordinary businessmen. One of the issues that Nacit could definitely take up is Octroi, wherever this levy is being practiced.
p____p While tackling demands with the Union government on taxes and other levies prior to the Union budget, it could also deal straight with state governments individually, wherever required. Nacit thus signals more lobbying power for the reseller community. Here�s hoping that that the birth of Nacit signals the beginning of a new chapter for the IT hardware industry in India.