B Swaminathan
Coimbatore-based Phalgune Infotech, one of the leading solutions providers having IT Infrastructure Solutions has recently conducted an awareness campaign for ArcServe. The Coimbatore-based solutions partner delivering technology solutions that fit the business model of its clients in the technology areas of IT consulting and audit services in the Rest of Tamil Nadu region managed to bring more than 45 key decision makers under one roof.
As a global top 5 data protection vendor and unified data resilience platform provider, Arcserve offers the broadest set of best-in-class solutions to manage, protect, and recover all data workloads.
A Krishna Kumar, the CEO – of Phalgune Infotech, welcomed the gathering and introduced how the team to the offerings and solutions from Phalgune Infotech and how they can effectively support Arcserve to the customers through their effective team.
Nikhil Korgaonkar, Regional Director – Arcserve, spoke on the various aspects of Ransomware, Disaster Recovery, Cloud Storage, and the growth of emerging cities like Coimbatore. His session was followed by a session from Santosh Jumani, Pre-sales Consultant – Arcserve.
Some of the key technical aspects of the entire event were on topics around ensuring the ransomware strategy has a reliable first and last line of defense against cyber attacks and data loss, offering cloud-native solutions to support all the most popular SaaS application workloads, satisfying 3-2-1-1 data protection rule, future-proof investments with flexible licensing.
Srikanth JS, CIO of KPR Mills, who is a customer of Arcserve gave testimony of Arcserve on how it helped big time during a critical situation.
A.Ganesh Atreya, Technical Director – Phalgune Infotech, did his concluding remarks.