
Most Small Businesses Don’t Find Web Presence Important: Study

The recent study by SurePayroll reveals that small business are lacking behind in having online presence. According to the study, most of the small businesses do not have eCommerce enabled websites.

New data from SurePayroll’s monthly Small Business Scorecard shows that only 26 percent of small businesses have an eCommerce site or even use their website in any way to conduct sales.

About 28 percent of the small businesses in the survey said they don’t even have a company website. Surprisingly, 42 percent of the small businesses surveyed by SurePayroll say “the Web really isn’t that important to their business.” So, even though most experts agree on the importance of a website, perhaps it’s the skills required to build an eCommerce site or a website, in general that is keeping small businesses away from the budding sales platform, the study points out.

Despite the growing number of DIY website builders many aimed at small businesses only 17 percent of that target market have tried them. More than half (actually, 52 percent) of the business owners surveyed by SurePayroll who did have websites said they hired an agency outside the company to do all their website creation. Another 20 percent said they hired a freelancer. Just 11 percent of small business owners say they created their own site using their own skills to do so.

eCommerce sales are skyrocketing and consumers are demanding an easier way to search and pay for products and services, be it just online or more specifically, on their smartphones. If the website is not eCommerce enabled, there is a chance of loosing potential customers and business.
eCommerce websites have the ability reach more customers, expand their brand and, of course, generate more sales and make more money, small businesses.

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