Bengaluru, Sept 30: A channel partner who invested close to a lakh of rupees towards fulfilling an order for government organization on behalf of Wipro Infotech was made to run from pillar to post for payments by the tech major, all because the person who had authorized the deal left the job.
The incident came to light recently when the Confederation of IT Associations (Confed-ITA) president
Muthiah R. Pillai brought it to the notice of Channel Times, who took up the matter with the public relations division of the IT major, which immediately got in touch with the concerned department and sorted out the issue amicably.
The story began in 2010 when the Neyveli-based partner had received an order from public sector BSNL for 80 desktops with mechanical keyboards from Wipro Infotech. Since, the provider does not have the keyboards, they requested the reseller to procure the same at a pre-defined cost and complete the order.
Having duly delivered the order, the channel partner, Mr. Karthikeyan of Professional Computers, Neyveli, sent the bill for the keyboards, which he had bought from Redington. However, things went sour as the Wipro staff member who had suggested this process moved out, leaving the reseller running from pillar to post for his monies.
The partner waited for more than two years before raising the matter with the Confed-ITA who got in touch with Wipro Infotech on behalf of their member. However, the mail trail landed no where which prompted the IT dealers’ consortium to bring it before the media.
When contacted today, Karthikeyan told Channel Times that he had indeed received the credit note from Wipro Infotech for the pending payments. “After three years of struggle, we have managed to get the payment and for this I would thank Wipro Infotech, Redington and the good office of the Confed-ITA,” he said.
Channel Times has been interfacing with partners and principles in matters relating to service and other quality issues in recent times and have consistently made an impact by providing a platform where these two arms of IT retail industry share information.
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