__fc How different is the Z series?fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__The Z series is a well-accepted range as it combines new features, faster speeds plus the USB port.
In 1997, printers provided image resolutions of 640 x 480 pixels, but now this has gone up to 5.2 mega pixels.
It was time therefore that the print quality of these images stay up and the printer produce pictures up to 3600 dpi and 4800 dpi. The new range has taken care of this with features like precision sense and precision photo.p__
__fc How much of a potential do you see for the new range in the Indian market?fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__Interestingly enough, the Indian market has rich consumers. The new printer Z25 costing Rs 4,150 will be a volume sale product. Even the other models like Z55 and 65 should interest the home user as many have the latest PCs with a digital camera, scanner and a printer. These customers will want good quality output. This market should represent around 15 to 20 percent of the whole. The large business will come from the SME segment for the Z25, 35, 45 and 75.p__
__fc What are your marketing strategies? fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__All these products are available on a broad-based distribution system with Ingram Micro, who will be holding the products and selling them to the resellers.
Ingram Micro has a wide reach with 7,000 resellers of which 450 are registered with Lexmark. We are designing programs, increasing their awareness about the products, and are also providing them with marketing kits. The clientele among the 450 resellers include corporations, the government, Sis and the end user.p__
__fc Market sources state that while Lexmark’s earlier distributor, TVSE had implemented effective channel programs, Ingram Micro has a wider distribution model. Please comment. fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__I think this is partly right, but it has been a part of Lexmark�s evolution. Lexmark�s first challenge this year was setting up the Indian subsidiary. After this, we needed to set up the infrastructure, which included the service and logistics business. The next challenge was to work through the reseller base.p__
__fc What about the servicing sector? fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__In the inkjet market, Lexmark has introduced the Lex Express. This involves door-to-door warranty replacement for products. A national help desk has been setup in Delhi, which attends to problems from within India and worldwide. The help desk covers 22 cities and customers must be registered to receive help through the life of the product. The problem is usually solved on the phone and if there is a part to be replaced it is done immediately.p__
__fc Now that P. G. Kamath will be taking over operations in India, what will be your role in the organization? fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__P. G. Kamath, with his knowledge of distribution, will be looking at the Indian market aggressively from July.
Presently, both of us are sitting together and looking at strategies to improvise the Indian market.
I will be moving to Singapore and looking at how to improve upon Lexmark�s global clients.p__
__fc How different is the Z series?fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__nullp__
__fc How much of a potential do you see for the new range in the Indian market?fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__nullp__
__fc What are your marketing strategies? fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__nullp__
__fc Market sources state that while Lexmark�s earlier distributor, TVSE had implemented effective channel programs, Ingram Micro has a wider distribution model. Please comment. fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__nullp__
__fc What about the servicing sector? fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__nullp__
__fc Now that P. G. Kamath will be taking over operations in India, what will be your role in the organization? fc__b____newline____b Frances Duggan:b__nullp__
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