Bangalore, Nov 28: The recent attack on a bank officer at an ATM in the city turned the attention of the nation as well as that of the the security agencies on the need for increased surveillance, causing a surge in demand for security and surveillance equipment.
The city police in Bangalore have given 45 days to the banks for installing cameras and alarms at all the ATMs, failing which they would be shut down. “This has created an opportunity for the channel partners in the vicinity,” says Ananthram S. Varayur, CEO of Webcom India, a partner working with security and surveillance manufacturers.
There are so many banks without proper security solutions even after a spate of such incidents. The problem is not with the banks, but with the security agencies that bid and then do not spend money for the infrastructure, he says.
Ananthram reveals that he’s been getting mailers from several vendors pitching their solutions that the banking and financial business can make use of. “Forgetting the business, we the partners should also do something for society through the technology that we are conversant with,” he added.