
How Axis Is Part Of Changing Dynamics Of Physical Security

Physical Security

By B Swaminathan

Mumbai: Over the years, Axis Communications has come a long way as a security solution provider by launching new-gen products that are relevant for a wide range of customers.

Acknowledging the support of its partners, Axis is celebrating 10 years of Axis Academy, which trains both internal and external stakeholders on not just their products but the overall industry and trends in the security space.

Speaking to Channel Times, Sudhindra Holla, Country Manager, Axis Communications India & SAARC, said, “The current market works in three ways- small system sale, medium sale and large sale depending on the numbers and price. We are happy to say that with our new product range, we are now able to cater to all sections of the industry which was not the case earlier.”

He says CIOs play a different role when it comes to security and solutions, unlike in any other IT area where their primary role is to cut costs.

Holla says that today no company looks at CCTV as just a camera that records. “They see it as a device that enables face detection, analytics, alerting mechanism, audio-video recognizable technology, e-mailing and ease-of-storage. We are sure that the IoT will create a revolution and surveillance will have a larger take on it.”

He also accepted that the awareness of having a monitor has increased. However, he feels that the CIOs have to select the right player for the solutions.

He is optimistic about the government’s initiative to set up 100 smart cities.

“The smart cities is a good initiative and out of 100, 20 cities have been named. We think that CCTV will be an integral part of the project and in the initial phase, the role of security will be different while in the later stage people will be in need of cameras for other purpose”

10th anniversary of Axis Academy

Axis Communications is celebrating 10 years of Axis Academy, which trains both internal and external stakeholders to ensure thorough knowledge not just their products but the overall industry as such.

Axis Communications Academy has had an intensive decade. During 2005, 696 people took part in classroom training, and this year, the number of participants is expected to exceed
10000. Since the start, more than 50000 partners have been trained in the advantages of network security solutions and in Axis’ market-leading cameras and technology in the area.

In addition, almost 4200 people had their network video knowledge validated through Axis’ global certification program, which was launched in 2011.

The leading security and solutions provider has organized select-roadshows across the country to showcase their entire spectrum of products.

“Our products are power-resistant, water-resistant and can stand up till extreme conditions without affecting the recording of the happenings. We show in our demos that no one can break our cameras even with a base-ball bat and even in extreme snow region, our cameras have found working without any disturbance in recording,” Holla concluded.

Government and Smart-cities

Axis Communications has been associated with the Nanded district as it has installed cameras not just for traffic management but for controlling mobs analytic etc. The company is also in touch with other leading departments and PSUs for total video coverage.

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