Channel partners have welcomed the historic Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill passed by the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. Channel partners said that the bill, which proposes uniform taxation across the states, will bring ease of doing business and resolve various challenges in the current indirect tax landscape. Partners said that GST would facilitate hassle free movement of goods and services across the region and benefit both dealers as well as end users. The much awaited GST bill finally got approval in the Rajya Sabha as the government pacified opposition’s...
The much awaited GST bill has come one step closer to convert into law as the government on Wednesday made crucial amendments in the bill draft. The Cabinet has agreed on dropping 1 percent manufacturing tax and providing guarantee to compensate states for any revenue loss in the first five years of rollout of the proposed indirect tax regime. With states on board and the Cabinet approving the amendments, the government is hopeful of passage of the long-pending Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill in the ongoing monsoon session of...