Suresh Ramani
Software giant Microsoft has just turned 40. In this forty years of journey, partners contribution have been phenomenal. Over last 2 years I have seen a lot of changes in Microsoft . Let me list them down:
. The old MS was focused on Windows and Office . In fact because of this obsession , they missed out in the Mobile Revolution . The focus was to leverage Office such that it would be available on Windows devices only .
. The new MS is focused on Cloud and Mobility. Mobility means ensuring all popular MS apps are available on all platforms. What’s more , MS Office mobile is FREE for iPhone and Android. And Windows is FREE for all devices less than 9 “ screen.
.The Azure is truly Open . It supports all Platforms including Solutions from Competitors like SalesForce and Oracle .
.The new MS is considered to be a “Cool “ Company by Silicon Valley . This has not happened for last 15 years .
. While MS started the Cloud much later than Google, yet today Office 365 is growing faster than Google Apps .
. When you talk of Cloud, MS is considered to be in Top Tier along with Amazon , Google and SalesForce . That is an achievement when you consider how late MS was
.Old vision “ Windows on every PC. Windows Everywhere”. New vision “ MS is Mobile First , Cloud First Company
As a partner there is a lot to be happy about . But there are few things we would want :
. Continue to execute well on Azure and Office 365 . These 2 Solutions are where growth is.
.Get the Device strategy right . Windows 10 is very ambitious . But the focus should be Business User and not consumer.
.MS should NEVER , EVER forget that their partners are their BIGGEST weapon . So leverage their Partner ecosystem more . They used partners in Office 365 . They succeeded. They went direct with Surface . It bombed. Now they have involved partners in 3rd generation Surface and its moving well.
.MS is NOT Apple. MS should focus on Business User. Apple is a Consumer Electronics Company . Both are different Companies. So MS should stop aping Apple.
(The author is the CEO of Techgyan, Microsoft partner and blogs at www.CloudChangesEverything.com.)