Today the IT industry is moving towards maturity, and the fact that the model of computing has seen a vast change in its operations and is slowly evolving is a testimony to this reality.
p____p What is also interesting to note is that unlike earlier times no one company will dominate the industry henceforth. Computing, at present, is no longer restricted to a PC-centric model. In the channel, today everyone is a service provider or is inching towards becoming one.
p____p As best-of-breed solutions arrive on the scene, integrators and service providers will be more than ever required to integrate solutions with hardware, and this alone should be reason enough for box movers to head toward equipping themselves for the future. The mantra of the day is to provide choice and ease of use for end-users.
p____p And while we talk of service, an important aspect in it would be in terms of personal relationship with its clients. With a spurt in technology, the channel especially distributors put a lot of faith in e-commerce and latest knowledge to simplify their operations and processes. However, they still need to cultivate long-term relationships with their users/buyers, in the form of personal touch.
p____p No e-initiative, no matter how good, can replace what people do. While technology continues to overwhelm us on all sides, the unsaid rule, of course, would be to move much of the work of product transactions through electronic channels as possible while still providing distinguishing value-added service to keep customers returning. This is applicable to distributors (in relation to its channel) and resellers (in relation to their end-users).
p____p Striking this crucial balance will surely win the hearts of the end-clients, in the future, not to mention more of their business. The best value is still provided face to face.