Bengaluru, April 29: Many south based partners have been complaining about the poor after service/onsite service support rendered by Epson India for its printers. According to partners, Epson does not send its service engineers to their shops for any wear and tear of printers despite the service call being registered by partners on behalf of its customers.
Looking at the growing complaints across the south region, Thanjavur partners of Epson decided to escalate the issue to Epson through Channel Times. During their association meet, partners raised direct questions to the Epson team (click here to read). While addressing partners’ concerns, Vijay Kumar, senior general manager and head of service, Epson India gave four points in response to this issue.
“Epson does not offer onsite support at partners’ premises and prefers to directly go the customer’s place instead,” he clarified. “For our ink-tank printers, for example, it is safer to have the machine checked at the customer’s site. Often the customer does not lock the ink tap properly and in the event of being shifted to the dealer place there is a possibility of the ink spilling out. We do not want this to happen,” he said.
“Secondly, it is important for Epson to know our customers and to track them thereafter, wherein channel partners invariably do not provide the customer details and thereby are hamper our processes.”
Epson also highlighted that quite often the dealer does not log the call on a timely basis and accumulates the calls, which often leads to further failure/ blockage of the printer head due to long non-performing hours. Hence, this becomes an additional burden on our service team. It has also been noticed that some partners with dishonest intentions pilfer and swap parts from warranty to non-warranty printers. Lastly, partners use their engineers to do modification in our products without our knowledge.
Moreover, to cater to Tamil Nadu customers’ service related complaints, the company has also introduced Tamil speaking help desk support in addition to English and Hindi languages.
While speaking to partners, Vijay Kumar said, “We have already communicated this to all our certified partners, and we are in the process of communicating this to the other channel partners and also indicate this information on our product boxes.”