-Duraikannu Soundarapandian
While wishing you all a very Happy New year 2015, I would like to inform that I have set only attainable goals this year. I had been greedy with my goals last year that I was not able to achieve.
Along with some aims of being healthy, there a a few goals to improve my business as well. All these years, my employees used to open the office by 10 am and I made it a point to go to office by 10:30 am. Due to this I was not able to attend some of my customers, who were in time to their office. From this year, I want to ensure that the office is opened by 9 am and that too by myself.
Money is simply a medium of exchange for goods and services, which can potentially improve your life and give you pleasure, satisfaction and happiness. Instead of being a slave of notes and coins, you can possibly achieve these life goals in a more efficient and direct manner.
Savings was my biggest challenge last year due to lack of business and online dominancy. At least this year, let us work hard and put little more effort in allocating some money for saving.
You may question me on how I am going to achieve this saving habit when the online stores growing ruthlessly year after year. It is very simple. Apart from aggressively supporting and offering impeccable service to customers, I can cut short the unwanted expenditure and save some money.
Savings is very essential for the future, but that is not more important than settling some debts, if we have. Hence, I am going to settle all my debts this year.
Also, I would suggest that the fraternity spend time for family. I want you all to dedicate more time for family responsibilities more than last year.
(The author is the CEO of Immortal Computer System, Puducherry and can be reached at immortalcomputersystems@gmail.com. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent the views of Channel Times or any of the websites managed or operated by Trivone Digital Services)