Expert Speak

Numbers Can Blunder


__p It’s interesting to see how we react to the numbers game. Offer a product for Rs 599 instead of Rs 601 and there will be more buyers for the product with the first pricing. Simply because it’s perceived to be cheaper. Few really go to calculate the Rs 2 difference. Add the word `Discount’ or `Sale’ or `Special Price’, and the stock disappears from the shelves.

p____p Now HDD manufacturers are adopting this same numbers magic. From the worldwide standard of one-year warranty for entry-level drives, the Indian market was given a special treat of three-year warranty. Now the five-year warranty being offered on hard disk drive is expected to take the market by storm.

p____p Buyers get very excited when they hear of an extended warranty on a product. It reinforces the support of the manufacturer. But few really go to see whether the product really delivers the kind of support it promises. Therefore as the final interface between product manufacturers and the end customer, it becomes extremely important for the reseller to check out the backend support before recommending a particular product.

p____p The old cliché `Don’t judge a book by its cover’ comes to mind whenever I make a purchase, I’m sure this is the case with most other buyers. Does a product that has a life span of three years really need a component with a five-year warranty? Or are these demands being made to make sales easier? And if so is the market justified in making such demands?

p____p It’s easy to sell a pull-product. The challenge is in selling a product that is good, but might not have the right packaging. The buyer expects his seller to give him all the options to make an informed decision. And the partner is expected not to forget this obligation he has to his customer.

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