__p 360 Magazine has recently concluded its survey for its fourth “Bhoomi Brands Awards” contest. And the results are heart-warming. The channel has given a unanimous high rating to product quality of Indian brands. On the other hand, criteria like margins & profits and marketing & technical support got low ratings.
p____p The results also show that the channel is becoming more discerning. Where technology plays an important role in product sales like LCD monitors and digital cameras, the importance is given to technical support. While components such as motherboards and cabinets are rated on the basis of their earning capacity.
p____p Interestingly, the survey also indicated that the channel’s faith in domestic manufacturers stands firm. While there are no complaints on the quality front, partners say that domestic manufacturers could learn a thing or two from the Korean giants when it comes to marketing and brand-building.
p____p For some reason, Indian IT manufacturers have not mastered the marketing game. Even after decades of being in operation, most Indian brands till today are still mainly regional players. A national Indian brand that can match the recognition of a foreign brand does not exist.
p____p Indian domestic IT manufacturers have not been very adventurous in capturing new markets. Confusing state laws and the restricting excise duty structure has resulted in most players remaining content with being territorial leaders. And this has been the biggest drawback of home brands, as it left the market open for foreign players to come and conquer.
p____p There is nothing wrong with being Indian. In fact, if given the right impetus the Indian hardware industry can outshine its software counterpart. All that is needed now is for Indian manufacturers to realize that they have extremely good products, they just need to learn the art of making money – for themselves and their partners.