Vellore, April 7: S.R.Ramesh, of Sree Gururaja System and Services, Vellore, who had been struggling to address the issue of a customer, managed get the WeP (Wipro e peripherals) UPS replaced with the help of Channel Times.
The partner had sold WeP 800 VA Home UPS in Sathuvachari village in Vellore district, but there customer faced problems with the product, which was covered by warranty. There was a delay in closing the issue and the complaint as escalated with the WeP by the website, which was duly addressed to.
A few days after Sree Gururaja Systems and Services installed the UPS, the customer faced technical issues. As the product was covered under warranty, the partner registered a complaint on behalf of the customer through mail.
The mail was duly responded by Elnova, the UPS division of WeP, and forwarded it to SIS Technology, Erode. But there was a confusion over whether the warranty covered the on-site service or carry-in service.
Over a period of time, due to lack of man power the issue was not closed and when Ramesh raised the issue with Elnova again, there was no response.
As a final resort, Ramesh brought the issue to the attention of Channel Times and we escalated the issue with Ramdinsanga Saiawi, business head, printer business, who brought in loop Prafull Agarwal, deputy general manager, Elnova, Delhi. The higher officials prioritized the issue and Prafull himself oversaw the issue. The company has resolved the issue and has replaced the product.
“Channel Times has been very active and responsible towards the fraternity. We thank the news site for being the backbone of the fraternity and addressing the problems faced by common retailer like me,” said Ramesh, who also thanked the WeP and Elnova team for sorting out the issue.