While P. Chidambaram’s budget for 2005 has received a positive response from the rest of the country, it has got a very low-rating from the channel community. By imposing the four percent on most hardware products, this year’s budget has only managed to undo some of the mileage gained from the lower custom duty of last year’s budget.
The new duty means that cost of hardware components like HDD and ODD will now go up. And suddenly buyers are shying away from the IT market, waiting for the hullabaloo to settle before making a buying decision. And for partners, who were just coming to terms with the good life, after years of struggle, the budget seems to have herald in only bad news. But this is not the time to panic.
Now is the time for channel organizations to come forward and quickly help members to get a better understanding of the new price structure. As for the partner, this is a good time for him to establish a rapport with his customer. If you are uncertain about the price of a product, then please do not trying dumping it on your client. Take the trouble to understand the new price structure before finalizing a deal. If you sell a product at a higher price, even unknowingly, you will lose a customer.
Tough times do not last, tough people do.