__fc How was Computex this year?fc__b____newline____b Bothra:b__
The crowd has turned out in large numbers like every other year but not all of them are ready to experiment with all the new products. Europeans who are the biggest buyers, were also not present in large numbers. Even from India, the dealers are becoming fewer in number. But the customer is definitely curious and seems satisfied.p__
__fc What is your role in the organization?fc__b____newline____b Bothra:b__For the last 11 years Kobian has been present in the market, based in Singapore. There is no hierarchy in our organization as it is basically a flat organization. I am handling the complete sales and marketing and also the brand promotion for Kobian. p__
__fc What are your main objectives this year?fc__b____newline____b Bothra:b__I want to concentrate more on the PDAs and notebooks segment and there are already projects being worked on. Kobian is present in 35 countries currently and has added Japan this year. A new company has been established to look into distribution. p__
__fc How is the market in Japan?fc__b____newline____b Bothra:b__The market has been definitely flooded by all kinds of products and manufacturers of mainboards, VGA cards, case and speakers. p__
__fc How is the Indian market performing?fc__b____newline____b Bothra:b__India is a major contributor to Kobian�s revenue with 35 percent coming in from this market. Presently, the production is at 45,000 per month, which will increase upto 90,000 by July. p__
__fc What are the new initiatives to be taken?fc__b____newline____b Bothra:b__Kobian will start manufacturing speakers in its Silvassa plant. The machinery is being shipped in by month-end, as manufacturing will start by August.
Kobian also wants to move the brand towards the end user and wants to make the IT products directly available to the end user. Like in Europe, products like digital cameras and mice are made available to the end user directly. For example, giving away a scroll mouse with keyboards.
As the tier 1 is dominated by a lot of players, it is the right time to move to the lower segment. Kobian is looking at products with price points as low as Rs 3,000. The mission is to bring technology at an affordable price.