Over the past decade, the AudioVisual (AV) and Information Technology (IT) convergence has evolved exponentially, birthing applications such as fully-automated offices, 3D simulation environments, remote healthcare and artificial intelligence-empowered surveillance. We are now at the point where AV purchasing decisions are inextricably linked with IT infrastructure strategies. According to Futuresource Consulting, shipments of AV-over-IP solutions have increased more than 60 percent year on year in 2018. This market, still in its nascent stage with tremendous growth potential,teems with many project and portfolio expansion opportunities for IT professionals like you.
With AV now being carried over to the IP network, your area of expertise must include the know how to manage AV ecosystems as well as preempt security challenges that AV-over-IP installations present.That is why InfoComm India 2019, a Professional AV and Information Communications Technology show, is a must-attend event for you.
Slated to take place from 18 to 20 September, the 7th installment of InfoComm India 2019 is where you will meet over 200 technology innovators from 20 countries. Industry leaders, whose solutions help anchor the world’s most exciting installations, will be here, including Christie, Delta Electronics, HARMAN, Kramer Electronics, Panasonic India, Samsung India and many more. Visit their booths to discover the latest AV-over-IP solutions, and learn how their solutions can unlock project bottlenecks. Over 82 new-to-market products will also make their debut in the Indian market via the show.
The show galvanizes a multitude of AV specialists as well as end-users across all industries. Systems designs now require cross-disciplinary partnership – network with AV specialists and together envision how to integrate AV and the network to achieve seamless scalability and user convenience. At the Summit’s free-to-attend educational sessions, industry experts will share insights on AV-over-IT trends, challenges as well as case studies on disruptive installations.
These meaningful interactions will shape your perspective and help you to better design applications that benefit the Indian population. Attend InfoComm India 2019, and become one of the pioneers in India’s IT industry who see and truly understand the AV-over-IP big picture.
For some pre-show inspiration, read on and discover how InfoComm India exhibitors – Cybernetyx, Crestron India and Epson – and their solutions are transforming offices and schools in India.
18 September 2019 (Wednesday) 10am – 6pm
19 September 2019 (Thursday) 10am – 6pm
20 September 2019 (Friday) 10am – 4pm
Registration desk opens 9:30am to half hour before closing time.
Beat the crowd and pre-register your visit online now. www.infocomm-india.com |
Exhibition: latha@falcon-mail.com / harvinder@falcon-mail.com
Summit: shaziaa@falcon-mail.com
General: vibha@falcon-mail.com
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