Specialized value added distributor, RAH Infotech partners with SkyBox, Cavisson, and Deloitte to conduct Security and Performance Summit 2019. The event held in New Delhi saw over 150 top IT security executives deliberating the business pain in end-to-end security across networks, cloud and mobile.
With the changing IT security landscape across the world, and especially in India, owing to the rise of more online and Internet-based services, the event focused on potential security issues that can impact in delivering the Government’s citizen centric services.
The summit was kick started by Chief Guest Dr. Jaijit Bhatatcharya, President,Centre for Digital Economy Policy Research, who highlighted various security and performance issues faced by governments across the world. Sharing many data points, Dr. Bhattacharya also spoke about measures and best practices that needs to be adopted by government agencies to safe guard their data.
Keynote speaker Manjeet Singh, Senior Vice President at RAH Infotech apprised the audience about the company’s security and compliance products and solutions aimed at government deployments. The highlight of the event was Security & Performance Roadmap by Digvijaysinh Chudasama, Public Sector Lead at Deloitte, in which he shared his insights on cyber security strategic plan outlining the goals and objectives. This was followed by Cavisson’s entire product portfolio overview and Skybox’s product overview.
Themed ‘Better visibility for enhanced performance’ the summit was supported by RAH Infotech’s technology solutions partners Cavisson and Skybox Security, and Knowledge Partner Deloitte. The summit was attended by over 150 senior government officials comprising of various agencies and PSUs.
“The whole idea of this conference was to apprise our Government customers the potential cyber threats that emanate from multiple sources including vulnerable networks, multiple device types, varied security protocols, and unaware users, and how to address these with right kind of security and performance solutions,” said Ashis Guha CEO, RAH Infotech.
“Having the industry-leading technology solution firms as our partners, we have been serving the Government customers for over a decade and are best positioned to understand the challenges they face in terms of technical know-how.”
SkyBox addressed Cybersecurity concerns and shared insights on attack surface visibility, compliance, and attack simulation. On the other hand, Cavisson highlighted performance testing, capacity analysis, app performance management, end user experience management and log monitoring & analysis.
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