Bangalore, April 30: In order to understand the adoption of big data projects in the mid market, Dell Software recently conducted a global survey named, “Roadblocks Crumbling: Midmarket Companies See Early Success with Big Data.”
The survey, which focused exclusively on mid-sized organizations, indicates that big data projects have made a significant shift from their enterprise roots. Big data has become a critical decision-making factor for mid-market companies across the globe.
A host of key drivers are pushing mid-market companies to embrace and invest in big data initiatives. Survey respondents report that their top three project goals are to provide better quality products and services, take advantage of new business opportunities, and improve the quality and speed of decision-making.
“Organizations today are sitting on large pools of data also popularly known as the big data. Dell’s survey proves once again the importance of big data in the industry,” said Murli Mohan, General Manager, Dell Software, India.
Although many midmarket companies are just now getting started with big data projects, the early results show those projects have had an immediate and overwhelmingly positive impact on their organization’s productivity and success.
According to the survey, 41 percent of respondents have one or more big data projects already in place, while another 55 per cent are planning to start one in the near future. Further results show that more mid-market firms plan to use big data analysis to grow their businesses, rather than just find ways to cut costs.
As companies invest more in hardware, software and training, they expect big data budgets to rise from between $2 million and $5 million up to an average of $6 million in the next two years .
While the early results have been stellar for the majority of organizations, there still is room for growth. Managing data complexity remains the most significant obstacle mid-market companies face as they look to fully embrace the potential benefits of a data-driven approach.
In the survey, mid-market was defined as organizations have between 2,000 and 5,000 employees. The survey took place in November 2013 across the United State, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific regions.