Mumbai: Once considered as a segment of IT, security has today evolved as a separate topic of discussion in the world of business. With the cyber security landscape becoming more complex, security business is only set to flourish in the coming years.
The adoption of disruptive technologies such as cloud, IoT, Automation etc. and proliferation of smart devices, the standard security practices are not going to fetch the desired results for organizations. Hence, it is inevitable for organizations to look for the best solutions which will satisfy the security requirements in the niche areas.
The budget allocation for security is certainly on a steady rise in recent years, however, CISO and CIOs have not yet gained confidence in the security solutions they have implemented or intend to implement that will ensure the highest level of security from advanced cyber threats. In a highly flooded market of security solutions, it is very difficult for CISO to pick up the right solution for their organizations. Here security partners can perform a major role as a link between solution providers and customers where they can advice vendors on a right sales pitch and help customers in solution selection. However, to enable that partners need to evolve as per the changing market dynamics in the security space.
Here are three ways partners can evolve from a solution seller to an adviser:
Adviser Instead Of Solution Seller:
The security space is already flooded with a number of vendors and security solution provider partners. Hence, it is important to see what will the value add partners can offer to their customers. Since, people are the vital link in any security architecture, it is very difficult to stick to one standard practice to stay secure. Technology can streamline the process, however, the success of any technology implementation is largely depended its users.
Hence, channel partners can become a strategic adviser to customers in framing the security architecture as per their specific demands and offer them a customized solution which will best suite in their respective domain. For Instance, data security is very critical in certain industries such as health care, whereas the security of servers and end points is major focus areas of CIOs in BFSI and E Commerce sectors.
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Develop Niche Areas
As mentioned earlier, security is a vast field with several critical segments. As companies are rapidly moving to the cloud platforms and leveraging connected device ecosystem in a big way, concepts such as cloud security, IoT security etc. Are gaining significance in the market. Hence, instead of offering mere endpoint security solutions, partners should explore ways how can they offer a holistic security solutions to customers.
At the same time partners should focus on creating their niche in specific security segments to become a complete solution provider in that particular space. This will not only give partners a competitive edge in the industry but help them earn more revenues for specialized services.
Constantly Upgrade Skills
Constant up gradation of knowledge and skills are very critical in the security space. As cyber crime syndicates are becoming powerful every day and inventing new and complex viruses every minute, there is no other option but to constantly educate oneself on the latest trends in the industry. Partners to require to understand the changing market dynamics and adapt new changes faster. Software is rapidly replacing the traditional IT hardware solution and enterprises are opting for SaaS model for cost optimization. Partners need to check how they can fit into the new business models and processes.
The traditional IT hardware solution is now largely replaced by software and SaaS models are being widely adopted among the enterprises. Hence, partners can explore the ways to explore this business model.
Security is going to gain significance in the coming years and there are huge business prospects for channel partners in this space. However, partners will not to evolve in terms of skills and domain knowledge to win a competitive edge in the security space.